Uncontested divorces are certainly the best way in which spouses can decide to end their marriage.

Though it might seem as if everyone is in agreement about all relevant matters and there is no need to hire divorce attorneys, there are still some important reasons why spouses should still do so.

Legally, there is no requirement for spouses to work with divorce lawyers in Texas; however, before deciding to forego that assistance, couples should understand the imperative reasons why it is better for them to find a lawyer to help them.

Get Through The Process More Easily

Getting a divorce involves a lot more than spouses agreeing to no longer be married and then signing on the dotted line.

There is a whole legal process that must be followed for the dissolution of the marriage to be legal; failure to follow that process leads to delays and complications even in the best circumstances.

With the help of an experienced divorce attorney, couples can start the process the right way, get the appropriate documents filed, and progress through their divorce without a hitch toward the easiest and best outcome.

This is especially important for divorces that include children, as custody issues add a layer of complexity to even the most agreeable divorces.

Divide Up Marital Assets Correctly

Probably the most critical factor pertaining to divorce in Texas is the division of marital assets where marital property is considered community property.

As easy as it may be to pick and choose who gets what among two agreeable spouses, divorce lawyers find the real challenging part of this process is with assets like retirement accounts, investment accounts and their correct valuation.

Divorce attorneys provide an essential service by bringing up all the critical details pertaining to identifying the assets that are subject to community property laws and how to fairly split up these assets to avoid problems in the future.

Finalize The Divorce Properly

By working with an accomplished divorce lawyer, couples can be assured that their divorce has been processed correctly from start to finish, the 60-day waiting period has been observed, and an acceptable settlement agreement that can be finalized is presented to the court for approval yielding a decree of divorce to be signed.

Any specific questions or challenges can be properly addressed and legally resolved, giving spouses the assurance that they have progressed through their divorce process correctly and the interests of each spouse have been rotected.

If there are children involved, divorce attorneys are instrumental in helping spouses come up with a custody and visitation agreement that the court will approve.

Divorce Attorneys Provide Invaluable Help

Ultimately, while it is entirely possible for amicable couples to handle their Texas divorce without the assistance of a veteran divorce lawyer, even in the best of cases lawyers can make getting divorced faster, easier, and less stressful.

Lawyers know all the questions to ask and planning that must be done so the court will issue a divorce decree plus they can advise couples on how to handle specific issues concerning marital assets, child custody, and much more.

Rather than spend countless hours figuring out the process, filing papers, and keeping up with deadlines, it is much easier and less risky to let a knowledgeable divorce attorney do it instead!

Reynaldo Garza, III - Attorney at Law

680 East St. Charles St, Suite 600
Brownsville TX 78520



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