There are four types of manslaughter:

Voluntary – when someone voluntarily commits an act that results in death, this means they meant to cause serious bodily injury or knew it was practically certain to result in death.
Involuntary – when someone commits an unlawful act that does not amount to a felony and is unintentionally the cause of death, this means they did not intend to kill someone.
Criminally negligent – when someone fails to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk in their actions, resulting in death, this means they should have been aware of the risk but failed to act.
Vehicular – when someone causes the death of another while driving a motor vehicle
What are some defenses to manslaughter?
Self-defense, defense of property, insanity , and duress are just a few examples of defenses for manslaughter charges . For example, if someone committed involuntary manslaughter after purposefully shooting their firearm in public and someone died as a result, they cannot claim self-defense because they purposely used the weapon and it was not self-defense.