Spring break is an exciting time for those heading out to the beaches and fun spots for a good time; however, as many criminal defense attorneys can attest, it can be a problematic time, too.

All too often, young adults get themselves into various types of trouble during the weeks of festivities and fun, returning home from Texas spring break locations with not just a sunburn but some serious criminal charges as well.

If you are one of them and have been charged with any of these common spring break offenses, it’s time to talk to a defense attorney who can help!

Alcohol and Drug Charges

Criminal defense lawyers know that spring break brings parties and with the parties there is usually alcohol and sometimes illegal substances as well.

Charges of underage drinking, supplying alcohol to minors, and even trying to purchase alcohol using fake IDs are common.

The use of party and recreational drugs like marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, and others is also high at these gathering and frequently result ;in serious drug charges.

Assault Charges

With so many people crowded into popular vacation spots with many of whom intoxicated a large portion of the time, fighting and other altercations are common.

A heightened police presence in popular spring break locations is always on the lookout for people behaving badly, ready to put a stop to it and charge those involved.

Arrests on charges of physical assault may not sound like much, but it can carry very serious penalties and leave you with a criminal record for life.

Statutory Rape and Other Sexual Offenses

The age of consent in Texas is 17 years.

Though most of the people you come across at spring break are likely to be over that age, assuming that is true could lead to trouble.

Having sexual relations with a minor, even if it’s consensual, is illegal in the state of Texas.

Intoxication can lead to sexual altercations that could result in serious repercussions; criminal defense attorneys see many students returning home after spring break with charges of sexual assault, which can be highly damaging if not resolved quickly and favorably.

Got Spring Break Woes? Get A Criminal Defense Attorney!

Though spring break is a time to let go of the stress of school for a little while and enjoy sunny hot spots along the shores, attorneys do understand that it can be too easy for the festivities to inadvertently get out of hand.

If you’ve returned home from spring break after being charged with some kind of an offense, it’s important that you take them very seriously.

Contact a criminal defense lawyer who can help you avoid conviction if possible or help you receive a lighter punishment.

A criminal record due to frivolous behavior during spring break could permanently mar you for life unless you deal with the issue the right way!

Reynaldo Garza, III - Attorney at Law

Principal Office
680 East St. Charles St, Suite 600
Brownsville TX 78520
